workplace excellence colored square boxes

Workplace Excellence

Welcome to the workplace excellence series, a flexible curriculum that offers 10 modules designed to help people understand and deliver what employers really want today. Each module teaches the employers perspective, practical skills and the "bottom line" on a key topic so participants can increase their company and career success. The modules can be used as stand-alone topics or series. $69 per participant for each course! Includes face-to-face instruction, materials, participant badging.

The series is designed for:

Corporations and small businesses who want to increase performance and ROI for new and existing employees

government entities who want to increase immediate and long-term employment outcomes

Watch the Digital Badging Video

What is Badging? Watch this video!

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Class Titles

Adaptability, Communicationability, Dependability, Presentability, Reasonability, Respectability, Suitability, Transitionability, Writeability and Workability

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