Exclusive Mobile Learning Opportunity
Your company has been selected for an elite training experience in exchange for your evaluation and feedback.
Jump on board with us and our partner, Growth Development Associates, Inc. (GDA), and test drive your choice
of two innovative professional development programs with TUITION WAIVED! Join AACC and invest in the future
of your employees now by taking advantage of this unique “insider peek” of our online curriculum.
Programs include:
Workplace Communication (26 hours)
The most direct impact on job performance is an employee’s skill in interacting and working with others in the workplace.
- Create a better work environment
- Manage & reduce conflict
- Become a more effective collaborator
Consultative Selling (34 hours)
Every job requires the ability to sell. Today, each employee must find a way to learn what a customer needs, both internally and externally, and find a solution.
- Build relationships
- Gain customer interest
- Understand needs
- Present solutions

Review the 10/24/18 Webinar
Take a sneak peek at the Workplace Communications and Consultative Selling curriculum.